Welcome to the FIFA Men’s Team Rankings page, where you’ll find the most up-to-date rankings for men’s football teams worldwide. This page provides a comprehensive list of FIFA men’s team rankings, including the latest standings for 2025. Whether you’re tracking the top teams in the FIFA men’s world team ranking or looking at the detailed FIFA men’s team ranking table, you’ll find all the information you need here. Stay informed about the international football scene with our regularly updated rankings, showcasing the best teams across the globe.
FIFA Men’s Team Rankings Table 2025
Rank | Team | Total Points | Previous Points |
01 | 1883.50 | 1889.02 | |
02 | 1859.85 | 1851.92 | |
03 | 1844.33 | 1836.42 | |
04 | 1807.83 | 1817.28 | |
05 | 1784.37 | 1772.02 | |
06 | 1761.27 | 1768.14 | |
07 | 1752.68 | 1752.14 | |
08 | 1748.24 | 1759.95 | |
09 | 1729.40 | 1726.31 | |
10 | 1724.37 | 1738.72 | |
11 | 1703.59 | 1692.19 | |
12 | 1701.36 | 1699.60 | |
13 | 1681.57 | 1676.14 | |
14 | 1680.36 | 1701.34 | |
15 | 1645.09 | 1639.60 | |
16 | 1640.67 | 1635.66 | |
17 | 1631.38 | 1641.00 | |
18 | 1630.97 | 1632.19 | |
19 | 1627.58 | 1622.92 | |
20 | 1627.13 | 1620.87 |
Next update: 28 November 2024
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